Huwebes, Disyembre 27, 2007

let me march to the beat of my own drums

Dyahe, it's been a nagging thought. I was 6 months into multiply and i have posted 5 songs..... and the list as these 5 songs may reflect that i have not "stepped on to the ninetees". Ouch.

Our music is those that inspires us way back then when we are much younger, and presently whatever beat it may have developed into. Ako ang less preferred ko lang yung beat ng country cowboy, monotonous hip hop, acid music or too heavy metal but it may also come down to somebodys interpretation. With this i can say that i have a considerably wide view regarding music.

 Kainggit nga yung mga na visit kong site, they have presented their music very well. Just the same as reading people blog, listening to their kind of music can very well introduce you to someones personality and much more because there are more deeper stories behind that person's reason for liking a particular song. So nobody can claim that his or her song is the best song ever written. Your music maybe good but let me march to the beat of my own drums.

With that thought, we can avoid criticizing somebody else's playlist, we can only appreciate and wonder what could be the story behind the soundtrack of their lives.

And with this resolve, i came up with an idea of posting at a song whenever i got online, not on a particular order of preferrence, just which will first come available and i am saying this dahil oldies pa rin yung una kong nai- down load while composing this blog entry.

This i am sure.......everyone's favorite..... lalalala lalalala la la lalala......

And the band played on.

Scenes from a couch

Couch intermissions from a year 19_9 movie. What movie is this from? Guess?

Read on.......

Some kind of review.......Guess what movie?

Genre: Romantic Comedy
Couch intermissions from a year 19_9 movie. What movie is this from? Guess?

Woman: We fell in love in high school.
Man: Yeah we were... we were high school sweethearts.
Woman: But then after our junior year his parents moved away.
Man: But I never forgot her.
Woman: He never forgot me.
Man: No, her face is burned on my brain. And it was thirty four years later that I was walking down Broadway and I saw her come out of a store.
Woman: And we both looked at each other, and it was just as though not a single day had gone by.
Man: She was just as beautiful as she was at sixteen.
Woman: He was just the same. He looked exactly the same.

(Another old couple on the same couch)
Man: We were married forty years ago. We were married three years, we got a divorce. Then I married Margerie.
Woman: But first you lived with Barbara.
Man: Right, Barbara. But I didn't marry Barbara I married Margerie.
Woman: Then he got a divorce.
Man: Right, then I married Kitty.
Woman: Another divorce.
Man: Then a couple of years later at Atticalicio's funeral, I ran into her. I was with some girl I don't even remember.
Woman: Ruberta.
Man: Right, Ruberta. But I couldn't take my eyes off you. I remember I snuck over to her and I said... What did I say?
Woman: You said, "What are you doing after?"
Man: Right. So I ditched Ruberta, we go for a coffee, a month later we were married.
Woman: Thirty five years today after our first marriage.

(Another couple, same couch)
(They "cross-talk" all the time, they kind of overlaps each other's speech)
Man: We were both born in the same hospital.
Woman: Nineteen twenty one.
Man: Seven days apart.
Woman: In the same hospital.
Man: We both grew up one block away from each other.
Woman: We both lived in tenements.
Man: On the lower east side.
Woman: On Delancey Street.
Man: My family moved to the Bronx when I was ten.
Woman: He lived on Fordham Road.
Man: Hers moved when she was eleven.
Woman: I lived on a hundred and eighty Third Street.
Man: For six years she worked on the fifteenth floor as a nurse where I had a practice on the fourteenth floor in the very same building.
Woman: I worked for a very prominent neurologist, Dr.
(Someone or rather). We never met.
Man: Never met.
Woman: Can you imagine that?
Man: You know where we met? In an elevator. In the ambassador hotel in Chicago Illinois.
Woman: I was visiting family. He was on the third floor I was on the twelve.
Man: I rode up nine extra floors just to keep talking to her.
Woman: Nine extra floors.

(Another old couple, same couch)
Woman: Well, he was the head counselor and the boys' camp and I was the head counselor at the girls' camp, and they had a social one night, and he walked across the room. I thought he was coming to talk to my friend Maxine, 'coz people were always crossing rooms to talk to Maxine. But he was coming to talk to me, and he said...
Man: I'm Ben Small of the Coney Island Smalls.
Woman: At that moment I knew. I knew the way you know about a good melon.

(Billy and Meg on the couch this time.)
Billy: The first time we met we hated each other.
Meg: No, you didn't hate me, I hated you. And the second time we met you didn't even remember me.
Billy: I did too, I remembered you. The third time we met, we became friends.
Meg: We were friends for a long time.
Billy: And then we weren't.
Meg: And then we fell in love.
Meg: Three months later we got married.
Billy: Yeah it only took three months.
Meg: Twelve years and three months.
Billy: We had this... we had a really wonderful wedding.
Meg: It was a, it really was, it was a wonderful wedding.
Billy: Yeah, we had this enormous coconut cake.
Meg: Huge coconut cake, with the, with the... tiers and this... very rich chocolate sauce on the side.
Billy: Right, 'coz not everybody likes it on the cake 'coz it makes it very soggy.
Meg: Particularly the coconut soaks up a lot of that stuff, so you's important to keep it on the side.
Billy: Right.


Me got carried away, after checking my email and saw the many new blog entries posted, invitations accepted, received invitations.....nag reply, nag comment, nag accept, nag confirm na ako without first officially announcing that i am ending my "basa mode". As if it needs to be officially announced.

Truth is i am only saying this because i think i'll never have enough time to read those many blogs and i felt sorry already if i did not get to read a particular post as my time will allow me to.

For now, salamat sa acceptance, invitations, at interesting blogs....

Ako? Basa, kete, basa......

Miyerkules, Disyembre 19, 2007

Keeping sane

Heading the Human Resources Department is such a tough job as reflected in the personnel record of Pauline as I read from an e-mail. Or maybe it’s because of the season.

As for me, after posting this,  I’ll activate the “read mode” that wll last more than two weeks.

It’s gonna be a long holiday. Must make most of this reading time that is given.


Going back to Pauline, this is what happened. I hope she’ll be back at HR after the long vacation……


FROM: Pauline Lewis, Human Resources Director

TO: All Employees

DATE: 4th November

RE: Christmas Party


I'm happy to inform you that the company Christmas Party will take place on December 23rd, starting at noon in the private function room at the Grill House. There will be a cash bar and plenty of drinks!

We'll have a small band playing traditional carols...please feel free to sing along. And don't be surprised if the Managing Director shows up dressed as Santa Claus! A Christmas tree will be lit at 1.00p.m.


Exchange of gifts among employees can be done at that time; however, no gift should be over $10.00 to make the giving of gifts easy for everyone's pockets.


This gathering is only for employees! The Managing Director will make a special announcement at the Party. Merry Christmas to you and your Family.






FROM: Pauline Lewis, Human Resources Director

TO: All Employees

DATE: 5th November

RE: Holiday Party


In no way was yesterday's memo intended to exclude our Jewish employees. We recognize that Hanukah is an important holiday, which often coincides with Christmas, though unfortunately not this year.

However, from now on we're calling it our 'Holiday Party'...

The same policy applies to any other employees who are not Christians. There will be no Christmas tree or  Christmas carols sung. We will have other types of music for your enjoyment.


Happy now?


Happy Holidays to you and your family,





FROM; Pauline Lewis, Human Resources Director

TO: All Employees

DATE: 6th November

RE: Holiday Party


Regarding the note I received from a member of Alcoholics Anonymous requesting a non-drinking didn't sign your name. I'm happy to accommodate this request, but if I put a sign on a table that reads, "AA Only", you wouldn't be anonymous anymore!!!! How am I supposed to handle this? Somebody?


Forget about the gift exchange, no gift exchange allowed now since the Union Officials feel that $10.00 is too

much money and Management believe $10.00 is a little cheap.








FROM: Pauline Lewis, Human Resources Director

TO: All Employees

DATE: 7th November

RE: Holiday Party


What a diverse group we are! I had no idea that December 20th begins the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which forbids eating and drinking during daylight hours. There goes the party! Seriously, we can appreciate how a luncheon at this time of year does not accommodate our Muslim employees' beliefs, perhaps the Grill House can hold off on serving your meal until the end of the party - or else package everything up for you to take home in a little foil doggy bag. Will that work?


Meanwhile, I've arranged for members of Weight Watchers to sit farthest from the dessert buffet and pregnant women will get the table closest to the toilets, Gays are allowed to sit with each other. Lesbians do not have to sit with gay men; each will have their own table. Yes, there will be flower arrangements for the gay men's table, too. To the person asking permission to cross dress - no cross dressing allowed.


We will have booster seats for short people. Low fat food will be available for those on a diet. We cannot control the salt used in the food. We suggest those people with high blood pressure taste the food first. There will be fresh fruits as dessert for Diabetics; the restaurant cannot supply "No Sugar" desserts. Sorry!


Did I miss anything?!?!?!?!?!





FROM: Pauline Lewis, Human Resources Director

TO: All F****** Employees

DATE: 8 November

RE: The ******** Holiday Party


Vegetarian pricks I've had it with you people!!! We're going to keep this party at the Grill House whether you

like it or not, so you can sit quietly at the table furthest from the "grill of death", as you so quaintly put it. You'll get your f****** salad bar, including organic tomatoes, but you knows tomatoes have feelings, too. They scream when you slice them. I've heard them scream. I'm hearing them scream right NOW!!


Hope you all have a rotten holiday ---- drink, drive, and die!


The Bitch from HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




FROM: John Bishop - Acting Human Resources Director

DATE: 9th November

RE: Pauline Lewis and Holiday Party


I'm sure I speak for all of us in wishing Pauline Lewis a speedy recovery, and I'll continue to forward your cards to her.


In the meantime, Management has decided to cancel our Holiday Party and instead, give everyone the afternoon of the 23rd December off with full pay.



Martes, Disyembre 18, 2007

One Big Family

Today I updated my relationship description to all my contacts in multiply and I think no amount of words can express the happiness that i am feeling inside being a part of this One Big Family. And this made me remember Grandma's great story she told Gil in Parenthood. 

Her great story goes like this......

[Gil has been complaining about his complicated life; Grandma wanders into the room] Grandma: You know, when I was nineteen, Grandpa took me on a roller coaster.
Gil: Oh?
Grandma: Up, down, up, down. Oh, what a ride!
Gil: What a great story.
Grandma: I always wanted to go again. You know, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn't like it. They went on the merry-go-round. That just goes around. Nothing. I like the roller coaster. You get more out of it.

Great story indeed!!! I hope you got her message.

Lunes, Disyembre 17, 2007

The ten most important questions.

The ten most important questions.

For those who are seeking to understand the untarnished Gospel of Christ in the Bible, there will never be a more important question other than this 10 listed here.


For the results about them that have been witnesses, of how he has in his mind not to worry beforehand how to defend the faith, for the given words and wisdom that none of the adversaries have and will be able to resist or contradict….. Read on and post your queries at words and wisdoms without measure.


1. Do you believe in the Almighty God, the Father, and the Creator of the universe?


2. Do you believe the Father’s begotten Son, Christ Jesus, the only savior of mankind and the only way to the Kingdom of God in heaven?


4. Do you believe that only the Bible or the Holy Scriptures, composed of 66 inspired books, teaches the full wisdom of God for the salvation of man?


5. Do you believe that the God the Father sent His son Jesus Christ, instrumental in the establishment of the His Church?


6. Do you believe that the Gentile nations are partakers of the promise of eternal life through the belief in Christ Jesus and the Gospel?


7. Do you believe that God is calling His people with determination to serve Him, bringing them in His fold, teaching them to make them qualify for life eternal in heaven?


8. Do you believe Christ descended on earth from the bosom of Father, suffered and died in the cross for the redemption of sins?


9. Do you believe you have to make yourself a member of the Church, for only the church can teach the wisdom of God for the salvation of mankind?


10. Do you believe that that the most important duty and obligation of the Christian is to propagate the Gospel of Christ on earth until the consummation of the ages?




Huwebes, Disyembre 13, 2007

My Personal Revenge

This blog’s title, My Personal Revenge, was inspired by Jackson Browne’s song from his 9th album titled World in Motion released in 1989.

Originally written by Tomas Borge, a Sandinista who was blindfolded and tortured for 18 months in Somoza’s jails and whose wife was gang-raped and murdered by soldiers in his presence. Yet, in Christianity and Revolution, Borge stated…….


"After having been brutal tortured as a prisoner,

after having a hood placed over my head for nine months,

after having been handcuffed for seven months,

I remember that when we captured these torturers I told them:

 'The hour of my revenge has come:

we will not do you even the slightest harm.

You did not believe us beforehand; now you will believe us.'

That is our philosophy, our way of being."


The song as translated in English by Jose Calderon:


My personal revenge will be the right

Of our children in the schools and in the gardens

My personal revenge will be to give you

This song which has flourished without panic

My personal revenge will be to show you

The kindness in the eyes of my people

Who have always fought relentlessly in battle

And been generous and firm in victory

My personal revenge will be to tell you good morning

On a street without beggars or homeless

When instead of jailing you I suggest

You shake away the sadness there that blinds you

And when you who have applied your hands in torture

Are unable to look up at what surrounds you

My personal revenge will be to give you

These hands that once you so mistreated

But have failed to take away their tenderness

It was the people who hated you the most

When rage became the language of their song

And underneath the skin of this town today

Its heart has been scarred forevermore

It was the people who hated you the most

When rage became the language of their song

And underneath the skin of this town today

Its heart has been scarred forevermore

And underneath the skin of this town today

Red and black, its hearts been scarred Forevermore.



Miyerkules, Disyembre 12, 2007

Beauty and the Beast

In my immediate need for something inspiring to share to a friend, www directed me to a television series of my youth, Beauty and the Beast (87-90). A TV series on "everything that is good about human kind and it is desperately needed more now than ever before so that it might shape the future of the younger generation today just as it shaped the lives of the fans it has now - fourteen years after it went off air."

Along with that story line, how can i forget this TV series which introduce me this song and poetry........

The first time I loved forever   

The first time I loved forever
Was when you whispered my name
And I knew at once you loved me
For the me of who I am

The first time I loved forever
I cast all else aside
And I bid my heart to follow
Be there no more need to hide

And if wishes and dreams are merely for
And if love's a tale for fools
I'll live the dream with you

For all my life and forever
There's a truth I'll always know
When my world divides and shatters
Your love is where I'll go

Sung by Lisa Angelle
Lyrics by Melanie Safka
Melody by Lee Holdridge

somewhere i have never travelled 

somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond
any experience, your eyes have their silence:
in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
or which i cannot touch because they are too near

your slightest look easily will unclose me
though i have closed myself as fingers,
you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
(touching skilfully, mysteriously) her first rose

or if your wish be to close me, i and
my life will shut very beautifully, suddenly,
as when the heart of this flower imagines
the snow carefully everywhere descending;

nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
the power of your intense fragility: whose texture
compels me with the colour of its countries,
rendering death and forever with each breathing

(i do not know what it is about you that closes
and opens; only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands

e. e. cummings

note: edited this entry today, 10/10/08. links deleted that seem to slowdown loading this page.


Sabado, Disyembre 8, 2007

Tears for Fears - Famous Last Words

"Famous Last Words" is a song by the British group Tears for Fears, originally released on their 1989 album The Seeds of Love. It was released as the fourth and final single from the album in 1990. It was originally released in Europe, significally in the United Kingdom, but was only a Top 100 hit, peaking at a low peak of #83.

Last Quarter Pasalamat ng Buong Kapatiran

Start:     Dec 22, '07
End:     Dec 23, '07
Location:     Apalit, Pampanga