Miyerkules, Oktubre 28, 2015

‘Happiness Is Warmer Than The Heat’ June 13, 2010

‘Happiness Is Warmer Than The Heat’

The 30-centigrade temperature that loomed the Philippines yesterday (June 12) was no cause to fret for Members Church of God International. Even Bro. Daniel Razon, who delivered the first half of the day’s topic, was more excited than worrisome in delivering the sermon on the first day of the Second Quarter International Thanksgiving, ignoring the ‘feverish climate.’
The ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga was again flooded with thousands of congregants and visitors who were ‘smiling against the stressful heat.’ Every quarter, more and more people swarm the biggest assemly auditorium in Luzon, seating more than 30,000 people at once, excluding children.
He’d rather lose his job than his God. For veteran broadcast journalist Bro. Daniel Razon, doing his part as the Vice Presiding Minister of MCGI is a delight despite oppressions of the enemies of his faith. Here, he freely ‘broadcasts the unrestrained truth’ in the Bible to the congregation during the first day of the second quarter International Thanksgiving.
He’d rather lose his job than his God. For veteran broadcast journalist Bro. Daniel Razon, doing his part as the Vice Presiding Minister of MCGI is a delight despite oppressions of the enemies of his faith. Here, he freely ‘broadcasts the unrestrained truth’ in the Bible to the congregation during the first day of the second quarter International Thanksgiving.
MCGI Vice-Presiding Minister Bro. Daniel Razon braved the intense heat along with the congregants, while wearing a long-sleeved Filipino barong, a formal and traditional suit for men. For more than two hours, he stood, walked, preached, even entertained the brethren and visitors, delivering the first installment of a two-part topic outlined by Presiding Minister Bro. Eli Soriano.
Perspiring too, it was apparent in Bro. Daniel’s enthusiasm not to soften in the steep temperature, but it rose up with the overwhelming emotions of the crowd who waited for ‘a wave after wave’ of biblical revelations. His act exemplifies a Christian’s virtue to happily endure things for the sake of duty and love for God, true and consistent to the theme of this quarter’s celebration ‘Thanksgiving with Love.’
The congregation also stood for a well-sung offering of praise during the second day when Bro. Daniel invited them to render a few songs of glory to God. Sweaty but beaming faces countered the fervent heat.
(Posted by: Michelle Lou Samson)

Bro. Daniel Razon Joins Tribute Concert for Massacre Victims May 20, 2010

Bro. Daniel Razon Joins Tribute Concert for Massacre Victims

“I protest.”
This is the two-word cry and theme of the recent benefit concert held in the Philippines, aimed to help the bereaved relatives of the 57 innocent civilians, 32 of which are journalists, mercilessly ambushed in Ampatuan, Maguindanao. MCGI Vice Presiding Minister Bro. Daniel Razon was one of the special performers.
A broadcast journalist by profession, Bro. Daniel Razon is an active advocate of press freedom and is against the curtailment of socio-political and religious rights. His joining in the concert was to raise funds to support the immediate families of the Maguindanao carnage victims, and to also remember four of his fellow journalists who died in the line of duty and by happenstance worked with him in the same station, UNTV 37.
Bro. Razon rendered novelty Filipino songs reflecting nationalism and national integrity. For his introductory part, he sang his own composition entitled “Pag-asa ng Puso” (Hope of the Heart), an inspiring spiritual song lifted from his personal experiences of life’s pains and hopes, to which attending MCGI members fondly sang with.
Bro. Daniel Razon reads the scholarship grants for the children of the victims of Maguindanao massacre.
During the concert’s recognition break Bro. Daniel Razon acknowledged Bro. Eli Soriano as a major inspiration for continuing doing good to others. He reminisced how Bro. Soriano taught him in his childhood a rule which was to become a guiding principle in his endeavors – “Child, remember this, that no good deed shall bear evil fruit.”
He further asserted that “whatever circumstance brings us, be it good or evil, we must pursue doing good unto all men, regardless of their race, creed, or religion, ” a quote that earned the admiration and applause of both audience and performers.
The concert was inspired from Bro. Daniel Razon’s Isang Araw Lang (Just One Day) movement, a campaign he set out to encourage people to do an act of kindness and goodness even for just a day. The campaign in turn was taken from the biblical mandate in Galatians 6:10.
The Vice-Presiding Minister also holds an outstanding number of public service programs benefitting mostly the elderly and the poor.  Notable among these projects are the free medical services and legal consultation that is opened daily for the public at the UNTV compound, where telecast of Bro Daniel’s programs are being conducted.
Bible Readers (Bread) Society International and UNTV are event organizers. Breakthrough and Milestones Productions International was event management arm of the successful concert, which was attended by more than 20,000 people.
(Written by: Cecile Vizcaya)

Bro. Eli Soriano Graces Benefit Concert for Maguindanao Dead May 17, 2010

Bro. Eli Soriano Graces Benefit Concert for Maguindanao Dead

Members Church of God International Presiding Minister Bro. Eli Soriano expressed sympathy to journalists who are abused, threatened, and sometimes killed while fulfilling their duty as he related some experiences that mirror the impartiality of the Philippine justice system.
Speaking before the crowd who attended the Protest Broadcast 3 concert at the Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City, Philippines on May 17 via Internet, Bro. Eli complained how he himself had fallen prey to a most undesirable collaboration between corrupt government officials and malicious religious “enemies of the Gospel he preaches”.
MCGI Presiding Minister Bro. Eli Soriano talks about the human rights violations committed to journalists and a preacher like him.
The award-winning host of the phenomenonal television program Ang Dating Daan (The Old Path) mentioned his chief predicament: “Why is there no justice done unto me, when this government swore to do justice to every Filipino?”
The injustices he spoke of include the series of suspensions done to his widely-viewed program and to his person, lawsuits filed against him which were dismissed for lack of merit but were again brought for litigation by religious and government conspirators, stoppage of his public service efforts in the country, and human rights violations committed against the organization he leads, the Members Church of God International (MCGI). MCGI is locally known for its television program, Ang Dating Daan (The Old Path).
He expressed his frustration with the current government from which he received “the worst treatment for being truthful.” Bro. Soriano quotes, “I would like to believe with a senator’s statement that in the Philippines, there is a culture of corruption. I have lost hope with the incumbent administration. That is why I am appealing to the next president and the legislators who were elected. Never side with only one person. Side with the Filipinos [who put you to power]. I likewise appeal to you my countrymen. Get the essence of what I am talking about. I talk as an educated man.”
Still, Bro. Eli wished for the incumbent president’s health, well-being, and better performance now that she is elected to Congress.
Furthermore, Bro. Soriano denounced endorsements by purportedly religious king-and-queen-makers and bloc voters which are “incredible, bogus, and misleading people to believing that they are powerful, when they aren’t.” He pointed to the current poll counts which contradict the decree of these religious leaders who have promised politicians a substantial number of votes enough to catapult them to the highest seat in the government.
Bro. Eli presented a video of a Davao-based religious leader who decreed in February 2005 the former’s ruin in six months. He quips, “Thank God, it’s been five years since that decree, and look, I’m still alive.” The same religious leader decreed that the administration’s bet will be the next president. Unfortunately, the administration’s candidate conceded days even before the poll counts were finished. Bro. Soriano says, “Thank God that even in the defeat of these politicians, we prove which prophets are fraud.” He strenghtened this by citing Deuteronomy 18:22 which tells not to fear prophets whose words do not happen as such are said.
He also rebuked another church which practices bloc voting, that talks the doctrine of excommunication for its members who “break the unity of the church even in political matters,” calling it “unfair.”
Meanwhile, Bro. Soriano considered the importance of media in informing the people of events as they are, even how unpleasant these events may seem. He speaks of the slain media men, “The journalists who were killed in Maguindanao only wanted to get the news. Whoever is responsible for this crime must pay.”
On a lighter note, Bro. Eli, now on his third decade of Gospel broadcast, thanked UNTV 37 President Hilarion “Larry” Henares for the “gracious support provided by the station which was instrumental in bringing truthful and public-service oriented broadcast to the people, for advocating projects that promote integrity and justice, and for allowing him to tell the world that amidst all sprouting religious controversies and conflicts, there is a religion that cares.” He also thanked the patrons of the concert for their support to the worthwhile cause.
Bro. Eli amusedly admitted that he cannot anymore escape the title as a religious figure. He says his very name spells religion everywhere he went. The fact goes with his citing of Bible verses even at the concert during his 30-minute talk.
He ended his speech with a serenade telling great desire to see his brethren and countrymen if given a chance to return to the Philippines, under a more humane government.
The concert, which aims to raise funds for the families of the 57 innocent civilians and journalists killed in Maguindanao last year, was attended by an estimated 20,000 audience that had media practitioners, businessmen, foreign observers, and some newly-elected government officials.
(Written by: Cecile Vizcaya)

Bro. Eli Soriano Tweets Tips for Philippine Polls May 10, 2010

Bro. Eli Soriano Tweets Tips for Philippine Polls

"To my countrymen and politicians: When elected, be a president to be followed! Not a president to follow the caprices of religious leaders! -- Bro. Eli Soriano"
From Twitter, Bro. Eli Soriano tweets tips and advice to his online followers in time for the very controversial and much-anticipated automated polls in the Philippines, a first in the country’s election history.
His hints to voters are biblically-inspired guides in choosing the country’s next political leaders.
One of his tweets read – To my countrymen and politicians: When elected, be a president to be followed! Not a president to follow the caprices of religious leaders! He supported this by citing Romans 13:1-5.
Bro. Soriano, a leader himself in the religious arena, advised would-be leaders to “use [your] power in leading the people with justice and equity, as power is established by God.”
He has faith that “the Lord will guide the Filipinos in choosing another leader for the good of the entire country, and that men and women of integrity and principles will be put to power.”
His concern for people drooling over the election mania is reflected in his tweet cautioning his fellow voters “not to place their life to politics, as voting is only a part of social life, and not as significant as the purpose of one’s existence.” This following reports of election-related violence and harassments which have dotted Philippine polls.
Although abroad for miles in more than five years, Bro. Soriano tweets his optimistic wish for his home country “May the LORD bless the Philippines!”
(Written by: Cecile Vizcaya)

Church Youth Convenes on Perfecting Holiness March 31, 2010

Church Youth Convenes on Perfecting Holiness

The youth force made their presence felt during the International Youth Convention (IYC) on April1 to 2 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga, Philippines.
This year’s theme “Perfecting Holiness in the fear of God”, was inspired from the message given by MCGI Vice-Presiding Minister Bro. Daniel Razon during a Youth Ministry Officers’ assembly on December 30, 2009.
Based on II Corinthians 7:1, which talks about about cleansing oneself, Bro. Daniel Razon elaborated that “we must first learn to cleanse our spirits so that we may have a smooth-sailing performance of our duties and obligations.”
Youth members from distant regions and countries join in through teleconferencing.
Apart from sports activities and games, band competition, educational seminars, Bible Readers Society’s TV program Bread Tambayan airs live over Top Channel, featuring youth participants of the convention.
The consultation session, where MCGI Presiding Minister Bro. Eli Soriano addresses the concerns, problems and questions of the youth, highlights the event. A bigger amount of time is allotted for this segment.
Although he is miles away from the Philippines, Bro. Daniel Razon reminded the young attendees about St. Paul’s admonition to the early Christians to live soberly, righteously, and godly in the midst of worldly indulgence that many youths engage in. Restraint is the keyword of his brief but meaningful address.
The two-day affair will be capped with the offering of Thanksgiving to the God of Israel on April 3, 2010 (Philippine time). The Church’s youth from the different parts of the globe will render a thanksgiving song translated in different foreign languages.
The youth in the Church is considered the largest group in the congregation.
(Written by: Pol Arellano)

MCGI Celebrates Quarterly Thanksgiving Feast March 29, 2010

MCGI Celebrates Quarterly Thanksgiving Feast

Quarterly, the Members Church of God International give thanks to God for three whole days of studying biblical topics and offering songs of praise.
Members Church of God International (MCGI) will celebrate its 2nd quarter International Thanksgiving of the whole congregation on June 12-14, 2010 at the ADD Convention Center in Pampanga, Philippines and in major coordinating centers worldwide.
Earlier in May, Presiding and Vice-Presiding Ministers, Bro. Eliseo Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon, were already occupied preparing for the three-day event. Members have also started making all arrangements ready for the grandest Church event.
The quarterly affair is the fulfilment of one of the Scriptures’ declaration about God’s servants, described in the Bible as “a peculiar people.”
Other biblical citations relating to thanksgiving are recorded in Psalms 30:4 and Psalms 107:21.
The thanksgiving feast will also welcome the new members who have been baptized in the last two months.
(Written by: Rose Cemanes)

MCGI Remembers the Lord’s Supper March 28, 2010

MCGI Remembers the Lord’s Supper

The tetragrammaton at the ADD Convention Center lighted up at night time. (Photo courtesy of PVI)
The tetragrammaton at the ADD Convention Center lighted up at night time. (Photo courtesy of PVI)
This do in remembrance of me. – Jesus Christ, The Gospel according to Luke (22:19).
It may be short, but this resounding quote from the Lord Jesus Christ is key in the observance of the biblical supper – the Lord’s Supper – that He privately conducted together with His apostles two thousand years ago.
The Members Church of God International observes the Lord’s Supper in Israel’s reckoning time, which falls at sunset on the 14th day of Nisan, the first month of the Hebrew calendar. MCGI celebrates the holy gathering that coincides with the setting of the sun in Israel, in their respective time zones. This shows the Congregation’s unity in observing the Supper at the time the Lord Jesus Christ did the same.
MCGI Presiding Minister Bro. Eliseo Soriano explains before the Congregation during its Thanksgiving ceremonies on March 27 that “the Lord Jesus Christ did this exactly to fulfill the Scriptures.”  According to Bro. Soriano, the Lord observed the Feast of the Passover a day prior the killing of the lambs in Israel.
The celebration of the Lord’s Supper takes its inspiration from the account in the Holy Bible. In the book of Matthew 26:1-57, the Lord Jesus Christ celebrated the Feast of the Passover together with his chosen twelve in a house not far from the garden of Gethsemane where he was later arrested. During the Feast, he related to his disciples that he must suffer, die, and on the third day rise again. Similar accounts in the gospels of Mark, Luke, and John relate the activities during the solemn ceremony, which included Jesus’ teaching, washing of his disciples’ feet (John 13:5), the eating of bread (Luke 22:19), and the drinking from a single cup (Mark 13:23), the latter two symbolizing his body and the blood of the new covenant which is poured for the forgiveness of sins (Luke 22:19-20).
During the Feast of the Passover, a lamb without blemish is killed and later eaten. This Jewish custom dates back to the time of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt. According to the account in Exodus 12:1-14, God commanded his people that on the eve of their exit, they ready a male lamb without blemish, kill it, and later eat in haste the meat which was roasted in fire. The blood then was brushed on the posts and lintel of their doorways, which will be a sign for the angel of death to ‘pass over’ their houses and spare them from the plague of death. The ‘passing over’ of the angel of death is where the Passover Feast gets its name.
In the previous year’s Lord’s Supper memorials, Bro. Eliseo Soriano explained through the Bible that the Mosaic account is prophetic of the events that were to take place in Jesus’ time. Using St. Paul’s explanations, Bro. Soriano related to the Congregation that the objects of the first passover – unblemished lamb, its meat, and blood – are all symbolic of Jesus Christ. It was during the height of the Passover Feast that Jesus Christ was seized by betrayal and later tortured until his death on the cross. The lambs that were slain in the time of Moses all count for one lamb that was slain to redeem man from sin, and the lamb happens to be Jesus Christ.
Bro. Soriano coupled his explanations with other biblical proofs and intelligent discussions that attest to Jesus Christ as the lamb that was to save people from their transgressions. Some are the account of Abraham and his sacrificing of Isaac, the prophecies of the early prophets, John the Baptist’s declaration, and John’s visions in the island of Patmos.
This solemn celebration of MCGI recounts once more the greatest sacrifice of one man and God’s unconditional love for mankind, according to Bro. Soriano in his sermon during the previous year’s Lord’s Supper ceremonies. This is clearly written in probably one of the most favored verses of the Bible, John 3:16 which says “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
(Written by: Cecile Vizcaya)

Top Channel Switch On Opens with 10 New Programs March 27, 2010

Top Channel Switch On Opens with 10 New Programs

It’s a dream come true.
This was the remark of Bro. Eli Soriano, evangelist-host of the Ang Dating Daan program and Presiding Minister of Members Church of God International during the official switch-on of the Church’s new TV band — Top Channel — via Dream Satellite Television on March 24.
In his message during the pilot broadcast, Bro. Eli Soriano thanked the Lord for another opportunity to “reach people through the famous Dream Television.” Like other stations that Dream carries, including UNTV, TOP Channel will be seen in remote areas throughout the Philippines and other neighboring Asian countries over channel 10, 24/7.
Its round-the-clock line-up includes programs “about spirituality, faith, religion, and various aspects of Filipino religious life,” Bro. Soriano quips. He hopes that through TOP Channel, he will be able to “share things he has learned in the Holy Scriptures and throughout the years of his broadcast of the good news of God’s kingdom.”
TOP Channel will house up to 10 programs – ADD By Demand in multi-lingual renditions, How Authentic the Bible Is, Paghahambing (Comparison), The Blog (TV version of the Bro. Eli’s online and magazine formats), Wonders of Creation, KNC Show, BRead Tambayan, D’ X-Man, Ang Dating Daan (The Old Path), and Top News in English and Filipino – 10 different sets of wholesome, educational, and entertaining shows for the viewers’ religious preference.
The TOP Channel is the latest addition to MCGI’s growing gospel media propagation endeavors, along with the Organization’s websites, radio and television/CATV programs, and its sister channel, TOP Channel, broadcasting in Canada, United States and the United Kingdom.
Bro. Eli Soriano sees the TOP Channel as means to “ fulfill the [religious] needs of people who will be reached by satellite [services].” He anticipates that as there are many people getting hooked in newscasts relating human interests, they will also devote inch of their time to listen to and read the Word of God.
TOP Channel is new to the roster of religious TV channels broadcasting globally. Nevertheless, Bro. Eli Soriano realizes this as both challenge and opportunity for people to judge between the truth and the hoax, as he mentions Ecclesiastes 7:27 of the King James Version that reads, “Behold, this have I found, saith the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account:.”
With Top Channel, the Church revolutionizes TV viewing by presenting another sensible alternative which “will help people trace the way of Truth”, Bro. Soriano adds. He also notes that in the proliferation of religious programs airing worldwide, watching these programs and studying each more critically will eventually lead one to find the Truth. According to him, “not everyone who claims to be a minister of the Word is right in what he is saying.”
Bro. Soriano congratulated the Members Church of God International for “an investment that shares their faith and investigates the truth.”
Above all, Bro. Soriano prays for God’s continued guidance to the Congregation on this new task. He quotes, “Even beyond the time when I will not be around, I hope this endeavor will continue. May God help us in this herculean task of evangelizing the Word.”
Dream Satellite Television broadcasts live through the Philippines’ very own Mabuhay Satellite Aguila II, and is the first all-digital Direct-To-Home (DTH) broadcasting service system via satellite in the Philippines. By switching to satellite TV like Dream, even hard-to-reach coastal areas and cable-limited regions may be reached.
(Written by: Cecile Vizcaya)

Bro. Eli Soriano Appears on Italian TV Show, S.O.S. Sesso March 15, 2010

Bro. Eli Soriano Appears on Italian TV Show, S.O.S. Sesso

On the first day of the three-day International Thanksgiving on Saturday (March 13), Members Church of God International witnessed the appearance of MCGI Presiding Minister, Bro. Eliseo Soriano, on an Italian talk show: S.O.S. Sesso. Bro. Eli showed the video footage of the broadcast to MCGI congregants gathered in more than 875 locations across the Philippines and the world via the Internet.
Bro. Eliseo Soriano talks with the host of the Italian program, S.O.S. Sesso.
The talk show on sex invited Bro. Eli to talk about the Bible upon hearing him preach in one of his Bible Expositions. “I will be guesting in a program in Rome 15 min from now. The topic is sex and religion,” tweeted @BroEliSoriano to all his followers on Twitter at 5:38 a.m. on March 11 (PHT). The international evangelist appeared on S.O.S. Sesso via live video streaming and entertained the biblical queries of the program’s guests with the aid of an interpreter.
“I speak always based on the Bible,” began Bro. Eli as he answered the question of his Italian inquirer on whether premarital sex was allowed in the Bible. “If we are going to consult the Bible about sex, sex is a part of our being. And our sexual desire, which is part of our being, was given by God for the continuation of our being, for the procreation of our species,” he continued.
Bro. Eliseo Soriano is shown speaking on the TV monitor of the Italian TV program, S.O.S. Sesso.
After a brief explanation, he says, “The desire of sex comes as early as the teenage years. But in the Bible it is not permitted to Christians to have sexual relationships outside the bond of marriage,” and then cites 1 Corinthians 7 1-2. In the end, both the inquirer and the program host thanked Bro. Eli for the biblical information and insights he shared with them.
Aside from the start of his radio and TV program, the Ang Dating Daan or The Old Path, two decades ago, his regular appearance on a religious show featuring local authorities on religion, Dis is Manolo and his Genius Family, helped establish his presence on Philippine airwaves as the resource person to ask when it comes to the Bible. To materialize that, he was awarded by his fellow preachers on the show, Most Outstanding Preacher of the Year for three consecutive times — a feat achieved by no one else on the show.
This week, after MCGI’s three-day Thanksgiving, Bro. Eli will continue indoctrinating in English at Church coordinating centers worldwide via the Internet; after which, a Mass Baptism reaping thousands of souls simultaneously is expected. The last MCGI Mass Baptism yielded more than 3,500 souls, following the seven-session Mass Indoctrination in Filipino.
S.O.S. Sesso airs every Wednesday from 10 to 11:30 p.m. and every Sunday from 10 to 11 p.m. (CET) on Télévie CH65.
(Written by: Jay Arellano)

MCGI prepares for International Thanksgiving, New Year March 9, 2010

MCGI prepares for International Thanksgiving, New Year

Three days before the three-day International Thanksgiving celebration, congregants of the Members Church of God International from provinces and cities in the Philippines and from many different countries start pouring in at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.

Congregants from the Mindanao and the Visayas regions in the Philippines have started on a pilgrimage, by ferry and by plane. Balikbayans (returnees) have lined up terminals for air-fare tickets to experience what MCGI considers as ‘the most wonderful time of the year’.
Abroad, similar preparations are also ongoing to gather the foreign hosts who will occupy big monitoring centers in the six continents – North and South America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, and Africa.
Elsewhere in the Pacific, Papua New Guinea is continuing to provide more wide spaces for occupants, especially the newly-baptized following the recent live indoctrination in early February.
At the ADD Convention Center, where the biggest bulk of attendees is expected to land, reconstruction, redesigning, and widening projects are up daily. Social welfare amenities, such as the transient house and the hospital, are also ready for the grand event.  According to supporting Overall Servant Bro. Daniel Razon, these efforts are aimed at ensuring the safety and comfort of the congregants.
In addition, on March 15 at sunset, the Church will welcome the biblical reckoning of the new year. The day and the hour falls on the first day of the first month in the Hebrew calendar, which is Nisan (or Abib) 1.
This celebration is unique as the Congregation, led by Overall Servant Bro. Eli Soriano, closes and opens the outgoing and the incoming years with prayers and praises of worship, not fireworks and feasting.
(Written by: Cecile Vizcaya)

MCGI Indoctrination in English and Filipino Simultaneous Tonight March 1, 2010

MCGI Indoctrination in English and Filipino Simultaneous Tonight

After the two-week indoctrination sessions which concluded in the baptism of more than 3,500 converts on February 19, another series of indoctrination is set on the first of March 2010. This time, it will be a simultaneous live English and recorded Filipino versions.
Prior to this, Members Church of God International Presiding Minister Bro. Eli Soriano conducted an initial live indoctrination at the opening of February. It was coursed via cable and Internet technology, with local and foreign audiences.  The same setup will be observed except that English will be the medium for the live format. This will benefit especially his English-speaking audience.  Meanwhile, the Filipino version is the recorded lecture of Bro. Soriano’s previous live session conducted last month. This system shall directly cater to many in his Philippine audience who prefer to listen in Filipino.
The live English indoctrination will be held in 119 centers in the Philippines alone, while the rest of the coordinating centers will have the Filipino recorded version.

  Online invitations are already posted on Youtube, the leading video sharing site today. Inquirers may send their questions to MCGI’s phone lines and mailers on matters concerning the live indoctrination.
The next baptism follows on March 12, the day before the anticipated Quarterly International Thanksgiving of the Congregation. Usually after baptism, new converts render thanksgiving as a sign of their gratefulness to the Lord.
The new indoctrination setup is shorter by three weeks than the previous sessions which used to last a month. The topics still cover the basic teachings which were discussed in the former month-long gatherings.
With Bro. Eli in the hosting panel are Bro. Daniel Razon, his Vice Presiding Minister, and reader Sis. Luz Cruz. The three compose the group that pioneered the now extensive gospel propagation through the program Ang Dating Daan (The Old Path) way back in 1980.
(Written by: Cecile Vizcaya)

Bro. Eli Bids Prayers for Chile Feb 28, 2010

Bro. Eli Bids Prayers for Chile

One of the tweets @BroEliSoriano posted after an earthquake claimed many lives in Chile in February 2010.
After an earthquake claimed many lives in Chile in Feburary of 2012, Bro. Eliseo Soriano’s tweets on his official handle @BroEliSoriano.
“A prayer for people is more than money can buy!”
Direct from his Twitter page, Bro. Eli Soriano tweets a message to his online visitors to pray for the victims of an earthquake that hit Chile Saturday, February 27.
He begins his call with a “Let’s all pray for the people of Chile!”, seven hours after the quake hit the country situated at the southern coast of Latin America. At the same time, he tweeted “May they find solace in believing that nature teaches us of a power that be”, to console and lift the Chileans’ spirits up.
Reports gathered from The Los Angeles Times says Chile was struck on Saturday by an 8.8 magnitude quake that killed more than 300 people and destroyed many infrastructures in Santiago, its capital city. The earthquake momentarily immobilized the big mining companies situated near the epicenter of the tremor. Collapsed bridges lobbed and squashed cars and trucks causing relief operations to damaged areas more difficult. An estimated 500,000 homes were badly shattered and more than a million people were affected. The numbers are expected to increase as more people are hauled from the rubble. Aftershocks are seen to follow and may cause further damage to properties [See Maps of the Chile Earthquake from the NYTimes.com here]. Following this Central Chile was declared a “state of catastrophe”.
More powerful than the one that devastated Haiti in January, Chile’s quake reached as far as Brazil and triggered a tsunami in Japan and Hawaii, with columns of water still rushing halfway around the world. Though little damage was reported in these areas, officials sent warnings that a bigger surge of water could follow and that other nations around the Pacific must prepare.
In the Philippines, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology alerted residents of possible water surge and asked those living near the coasts to keep distance from the shoreline. Besides Hawaii and Japan, the Philippines was also struck by a tsunami when the magnitude-9.5 quake hit the same area of Chile in 1960.
(Written by: Hazel Chavez-David)

3,500 Souls Added to MCGI in One Day Feb 28, 2010

3,500 Souls Added to MCGI in One Day

In February of 2011, members of the Church of God International welcomed more than 3,500 new members in one of its Mass Baptisms.
MCGI welcomed more than 3,500 new members in the Church after the Mass Baptism of February 2011.
Pampanga, Philippines — More than 3,500 souls were added to the Members Church of God International today in a Mass Baptism held at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga and in MCGI coordinating centers nationwide.
People hailing from as far as Nueva Ecija (approximately 118 kilometers from Manila) went to the Philippine headquarters of MCGI to be baptized.  Moreover, baptisms were held at major coordinating centers in Northern Luzon, Bicol, Visayas and Mindanao.
Included in the thousands of new members are five individuals with hearing and speaking disabilities, adding to the first group of deaf-mute members baptized on August 21, 2009.
This was the result of the seven-session Mass Indoctrination by Church Presiding Minister, Bro. Eliseo Soriano. From about a month of indoctrination time, Bro. Eli was able to reduce it to less than two weeks leading to a Mass Baptism just eleven days after the first session.  The results, however, exceed double as previous Mass Baptisms yield more than 1,000 souls on the average.
“Let us start a new life, brethren, a new life in Christ, full of hope,” says Bro. Eli as he spoke before thousands of newly-baptized members via live video streaming at about six in the evening. Bro. Eli then reminds the brethren of what Bro. Daniel Razon, the Church Vice-Presiding Minister, said in his sermon prior to Bro. Eli’s — to first give thanks to God, just as the Samaritan who was healed of his leprosy did in Luke 17:12-19.
They were talking of the Thanksgiving ceremony held every Saturday in the Philippines. Weekly, groups and individuals offer songs of praises on stage before the entire congregation in the Convention Center in Pampanga and in coordinating centers worldwide via the Internet.
The baptism ceremonies started at around 8:30 a.m. with congregational singing. Two hours after, Bro. Eli finishes his sermon and the baptism proper occurs shortly after, ending at about 5:30 in the evening. Before the entire event ended with a prayer at around 7:30 p.m., Bro. Eli mentions that he made arrangements for additional food for them before they leave. He then welcomes the new brethren to the congregation and bids them goodbye, “Happy greetings and may God bless you, brethren.”
(Written by: Jay Arellano)

“Ask Bro. Eli” Live on Livestream.com January 28, 2010

“Ask Bro. Eli” Live on Livestream.com

The phenomenal Q-&-A format TV and radio religious program in the Philippines, Itanong Mo Kay Soriano, Biblia Ang Sasagot (Ask Bro. Eli, the Bible Will Answer), now has its online channel on Livestream.com.

Airing live on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. (EST), Bro. Eliseo Soriano’s new web show allows Internet users to ask him questions of faith straight from their own homes or offices.
“It is our intense desire to preach the Gospel. That’s why we are using all resources available in our time,” said the international evangelist, just before today’s webcast ended. This was actually a reply to a question by Dan, an American who visited one of the Members Church of God International’s coordinating centers in the States to listen to Bro. Eli.
However, not all are like Dan who has the time to drop by a nearby MCGI chapter. So people like Carlos, a caller from Spain, simply calls Bro. Eli through the Yahoo Messenger ID: mytruthcaster, and starts a video conference with him.
The Spaniard then appears on screen via his webcam, and by using a headset asks, “What is the basis in the Bible of the Semana Santa or Holy Week?”
“Believing on Semana Santa means that the rest of the year is ‘Semana Mala’. One holy week implies that there are 51 unholy weeks; meaning that you can eat whatever meat you can, even the meat of other people. There are people who are cannibals,” retorts Bro. Eli. And after reading a series of verses coupled with explanations, Bro. Eli says “Muchas gracias!” to the caller who got disconnected.
Fortunately, Livestream has a chat feature. Viewers can post their questions to Bro. Eli using a Livestream account, which actually just takes a few seconds to set up; no e-mail confirmation is required. But just in case a new online account proves a hassle, inquirers can always “tweet” their questions away and send them to @BroEliSoriano on Twitter for the Truthcaster to answer.
“The Truthcaster”, which is both the name of the show and the channel, piloted on Livestream on January 20, but originally aired via Justin.tv on January 6, 2010 at 7 p.m. (EST).
On its website, Livestream.com indicated that it has more than 700,000 channels launched since November 2009 with more than 16.7 million unique visitors each month. The company, with headquarters in New York and Bangalore, India, was founded by Max Haot, co-founder and CEO of Mogulus.
Among the platform’s unique features include the ability to mix multiple live cameras, imported videos clips, and overlay graphics.
(Written by: Jay Arellano)

Tweet Bro. Eli, the Bible Will Answer January 12, 2010

Tweet Bro. Eli, the Bible Will Answer

Bro. Eli Soriano's official twitter account
Mashable.com’s Most Educational to Follow Bro. Eliseo Soriano can now be “tweeted” for biblical answers to queries of faith and spirituality via Twitter.
People usually ask Bro. Eli personally in his Bible Expositions, which happen twice a week on the average worldwide via the Internet. Now, they simply have to log in to Twitter, follow @BroEliSoriano and type away their questions for the host of the longest running religious program in the Philippines, the Ang Dating Daan or The Old Path, to answer.
He announced the news to the members of the Church of God International who attended the A Song of Praise Music Festival, an international song-writing competition for members, held last December 29, 2009 (PHT) at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga. To date, Bro. Eli has more than 3,800 followers since it opened just two weeks ago.
The MCGI Presiding Minister launched his Twitter account following his Open Web Award win last December 16, 2009 in hopes of reaching out to as many people as possible via the Internet — a move also taken by celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, CEO’s like Eric Schmidt, and President Barack Obama.
“You can sing from the heart and from the mind (1 Cor. 14:15),” was one of the first tweets Bro. Eli posted via Twitteriffic, a mobile application that lets Twitter users send and receive tweets straight from their iPhones — another gift of technology that Bro. Eli takes advantage of in spreading the Good News to all.
(Written by: Jay Arellano)

MCGI Joins Biggest Marathon-for-a-cause in RP History Feb 1, 2010

MCGI Joins Biggest Marathon-for-a-cause in RP History

PASAY CITY, Philippines – To express not only through words its support to the cause of an advocacy group in the Philippines, Members Church of God International is the single biggest group whose presence was felt at the record-breaking half-marathon-for-a-cause, the Isang Araw Lang – Takbo para sa Libreng Kolehiyo (Just One Day – Run for Free College) held on January 31 at the SM Mall of Asia in Pasay City.
Local television network, UNTV reported that the historic sports event which comprised six different races recorded 50,500 participants, beating the organizers’ expectations of 50,000 and marking yet another first in Philippine history.
MCGI Vice-Presiding Minister Bro. Daniel Razon, who is the prime advocate of the Kahit Isang Araw Lang advocacy, thanked the organizers of the event led by Sports 37 Productions, UNTV and multi-marketing company Breakthroughs and Milestones Productions International, for holding such a remarkable and noble cause in support of the public service projects he spearheaded.
Speaking before tens of thousands of participants at the closing ceremony of the event, Bro. Razon announced that the proceeds of the event will aid in the completion of the last phase of development of the 10-storey La Verdad Christian College (LVCC) building.
“We will use the proceeds to complete the 10-storey school building in Balintawak, Quezon City which we target to open in April,” he said, then remarked, “What inspires me to do these public services is Bro. Eli Soriano of the Ang Dating Daan (The Old Path).”
MCGI launched the said scholarship program for college students through the Kamanggagawa Foundation in June last year as a continuation of Bro. Eli Soriano’s initiative at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga where the first La Verdad Christian College was established. More than 300 college scholars are currently enrolled under the Mass Communications and Nursing courses offered by the school.
Bro. Razon also stressed the big difference that this free college education project makes. The scholarship grants include free tuition fee, free meals, uniforms, books, lodging and allowance for the scholars.
For years now, MCGI has been actively supporting several public services in the Philippines as part of its mission to help indigents — a commandment of God in the Bible that MCGI gladly fulfills.
Through the help of UNTV, the Isang Araw Lang – “Takbo para sa Libreng Kolehiyo” is another public service effort initiated to support the Kamanggagawa Foundation free education project. Other projects launched by Bro. Razon through the Foundation include free bus, jeepney, and train rides, medical and dental missions, legal services, blood donation projects, and even the granting of the small wishes of poor families for livelihood assistance.
Other key participants of the event include the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Director General Dionisio Santiago, members of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA), and members of several Rotary Club chapters in the Philippines.
Renowned Kenyan sprinters Williy Tanui and Kemba Kiberess, 2009 Philippine International Marathon winner Miscelle Gilbuena, and Alley Quisay also shared a moment to support this noble cause. Tanui was declared the winner of the 21-kilometer half marathon.
Other races were the 10 and 5-kilometer challenge runs, 3-kilometer fun run, 1-kilometer family run, and the 300-meter kiddie run.
(Written by: Hazel Chavez-David)

Songs of Praise for Year-end 2010 Winners January 1,2011

Songs of Praise for Year-end 2010 Winners

“It’s hard to judge a song of praise, it involves the way of thinking, faith, passion, and ability with the words of God in the Bible.” These are the words of the Presiding Minister to the Members of Church of God International (MCGI), Bro. Eliseo Soriano, one of the judges in the 2010 A Song Of Praise Year-End-Finals.
The ASOP is being done twice a year by the MCGI as being administered by Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon. By years of sustenance, the program produced many songs of praises that could be used to praise God. The songs’ lyrics are carefully and vividly criticized according to the teachings based on the Bible. This competition is not more on the musicality of the song; it is more in the lyrics if it is according to the Bible. ”It carries the most important message of the song,” according to Bro. Eliseo Soriano who is the initiator of this program.
The ASOP Year End Finals Night was comprised of thirteen finalists who were from different parts of the world gathered together to promote the singing of songs of praises to God.
The ASOP Year End Finals Night was comprised of thirteen finalists who were from different parts of the world gathered together to promote the singing of songs of praises to God.
The A Song Of Praise (ASOP) Year-End-Finals was held at the Ang Dating Daan (ADD) Convention Center of the MCGI. The competition was comprised of thirteen finalists who were from different parts of the world gathered together to promote the singing of songs of praises to God.
Also, the songs presented in this competition are newly composed by various composers around the world, both amateur and professionals. ASOP aims to produce remarkable songs of praise for God.
The ASOP is being done twice a year by the MCGI as being administered by Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon. By years of sustenance, the program produced many songs of praises that could be used to praise God.
The ASOP is being done twice a year by the MCGI as being administered by Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon. By years of sustenance, the program produced many songs of praises that could be used to praise God.
The newly composed songs presented in this program are the following: Ama Salamat sa Iyo (Mindanao) by composer, Bro. Alfonso Malasaga and interpreted by Sis. Robbie Rose Demelletes, Huwag Nang Mawalay Pa (LBMR) by composer Bro. Reynar Salba and interpreted by Bro. Eugene Bayal, Ama Aming Moog at Tanggulan (Quezon-Marinduque) by composer Bro. Rogelio Fernandez and interpreted by Sis. Irene Barcellano, Sa Isang Sulok Lang (Visayas-Cebu) by composer Bro. Ariel Trias and interpreter, Sis. Catherine Campos; Salamat (Visayas-Bohol) by composer and interpreter, Sis. Venice Boliche, and In This Journey (NCR) by composer Bro. Jay Alvin Consigo and interpreter Sis. Naomi Sorianosos. The last one interpreted by Sorianosos was awarded as the song of the year while the one interpreted by Campos was hailed as second placer.
   In this Journey (NCR) by composer Bro. Jay Alvin Corcilla and interpreter Sis. Naomi Sorianosos, was awarded as the song of the year.
In this Journey (NCR) by composer Bro. Jay Alvin Corcilla and interpreter Sis. Naomi Sorianosos, was awarded as the song of the year.
There were also entries from outside of the Philippines. Alleluia to our King (Hongkong) by composer and interpreter Bro. Erwin Friend, which got the third place, Grande Deus (South America) by composer Bro. Idlao Fernandez and interpreted by Bro. Oliver Lumanang and Sis. Ronnie Postero, Ang Aking Dios (Malaysia) by composer Bro. Rex Blaza and interpreted by Luela Andres, Maglilingkod sa’Yo (Asia-Singapore) by composer Bro. Jude Abarca and interpreted by Bro. Andy Abanto; and Dakilang Pag-ibig (Europe-London) by composer Bro. Dennis Damasco and interpreted by Sis. Joan Trance. The one interpreted by Abanto was held as first placer.
In the years of its continuous holding, new various genres of song of praises are being introduced.
All the ASOP Year End Finals Night winners for a photo call.
All the ASOP Year End Finals Night winners for a photo call.
Although, not all got a place in the rankings, none of them went home without a prize. Bro. Eli Soriano told the organizers to give them “recognition prizes”; this is to encourage the composers to create better songs. As of now, the UNTV where Bro. Daniel Razon is a CEO is planning to launch this coming year a Tawag ng Tanghalan-like program which features a competition presenting newly composed songs of praises.
(Written by: Mark Juneil Bucao)

MCGI Introduces Redesigned AngDatingDaan.org August 18, 2010

MCGI Introduces Redesigned AngDatingDaan.org

The new AngDatingDaan.org showcases Bro. Eli Soriano's "Ask Bro Eli" series in Filipino, where visitors can view hundreds of Q & A videos online anytime, anywhere.
Launched in 2012, the new AngDatingDaan.org features Bro. Eli Soriano’s in Tagalog “Itanong Mo Kay Soriano” where site visitors can view hundreds of Q & A videos online.
There’s no stopping the award-winning website of the longest-running Bible-based program, Ang Dating Daan (The Old Path) on Philippine airwaves from evolving into something better. The AngDatingDaan.org will sport a new design that promises to be program-focused and dynamic starting September this year to coincide with its 11th anniversary online.
According to the MCGI’s Broadcast Division’s IT representative, “the new [Ang Dating Daan] site will be a lot different from the old one. It will now provide a wealth of updated information and news on Bro. Eli’s worldwide programming not just on TV, but also on the web.”
The new program site of the Ang Dating Daan will provide a new layout as well as a new and enhanced structure that is both dynamic and flexible. With clearer layout, finding information at the site will be easier.
The new and improved website will showcase the program’s public service commitments such as those being shown on UNTV’s public service morning show, “Good Morning, Kuya!” Aside from this, the Ang Dating Daan site will also feature the program’s foray into satellite television via the TOP Channel on Dream Satellite TV.
The Ang Dating Daan website was previously the local online presence of the Members Church of God International (MCGI), a religious organization that started out in the Philippines that has now taken over a worldwide scope.
“Ang Dating Daan or ADD,” which stemmed out from Jeremiah 6:16, has become so popular in the Philippines that MCGI is almost always equated with the program’s name. And since year 1999, the Church and its program have shared a common website — AngDatingDaan.org.
But now that the Church’s official website, MCGI.org, is already in full swing, the revamped AngDatingDaan.org is out on a mission to help the propagation of God’s Word as the program’s official online home.
Taking into great consideration a multitude of audiences, the website’s developers indicated that the new AngDatingDaan.org will cater to all types of Internet users – from the youngest to the oldest of Truth-seeking souls.  With its navigation-friendlier features and television-program-centered content, AngDatingDaan.org becomes more accessible to a wider range of publics.
In a few weeks’ time, the website’s makeover will be complete, and it is hoped the improvement will produce its most-promising effects so far. “We are always hopeful with God’s help that these two sites [AngDatingDaan.org and MCGI.org] will be windows to learn about the Church and the teachings that we believe in through our preacher, Bro Eli,” the Broadcast Division’s IT representative said.
AngDatingDaan.org, which made its foray online in 1999, is an award-winning Philippine religious website, earning from the Philippine Web Awards the “Most Popular Website Award” from 2002 to 2006. The website cemented its status as the most honored religious website from the Philippines.
(Written by: Pol Arellano)

Bro. Eli Soriano Appeals Prayers for Philippines’ New Leads May 17, 2010

Bro. Eli Soriano Appeals Prayers for Philippines’ New Leads

The MCGI Presiding Minister in silence while preparing for a scheduled broadcast of The Old Path program.
A leader hopes for the best.
This is the impression that MCGI Presiding Minister Bro. Eli Soriano made in his afternoon sermon during Thanksgiving ceremonies last Saturday (May 15).
Bro. Soriano called out to his countrymen to pray for the new elected officials. Citing I Timothy 2: 1-3, he relates, “Whoever wins, let us pray for them, so that we may live peacefully.”
With the news of Noynoy Aquino’s stint to become the 15th Philippine president, Bro. Soriano hopes that “he [referring to Noynoy] understands that his win was not prompted by religious endorsement, but it is a clear decision of the people. Noynoy leads by a clean and legal vote.”
This after speculations that Aquino won by popular religious bloc voting, which he [Bro. Soriano] thinks as misleading. News reports supporting this indicate that certain religious bloc votes failed to deliver their endorsed candidates to national office, including the blessing made for the incumbent administration’s standard-bearer.
Religious bloc vote has been sought for by politicians aiming to hold an elective post in the government. This political strategy had been used for decades, especially during national elections where competition is at its strongest.
Meanwhile, Bro. Soriano reiterated his bid over Twitter for the new officials to “rule the country with justice and integrity.”
(Written by: Cecile Vizcaya)

Protests, Boxing, Quake Coincide MCGI’s Thanksgiving March 15, 2010

Protests, Boxing, Quake Coincide MCGI’s Thanksgiving

During International Thanksgivings, the whole Church offers thanks to God for three days from sunrise to sundown. (Photo courtesy of PVI)
During International Thanksgivings, the whole Church offers thanks to God for three days from sunrise to sundown. (Photo courtesy of PVI)
Boxing fans around the world paid large sums to watch Manny Pacquiao and Joshua Clottey exchange bloody punches. Supporters of deposed Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra marched to Bangkok shouting their vehement protests. Brethren of Members Church of God International, however, traveled far and wide to celebrate the grand International Thanksgiving for the first quarter of 2010.
Pacquiao brought Filipinos another reason to celebrate, bringing home another title for the country. Shinawatra’s supporters are nearing their goal to pull down the government. Yet of all the reasons for people to amass, MCGI’s International Thanksgiving shuns violence and puts good news in its headlines.
More than 875 foreign and local coordinating centers hosted the grandest event among all other MCGI celebrations. Of this number, 75% are based abroad, proving the successful global evangelization efforts of the Church, led by Presiding Minister Bro. Eliseo Soriano and Vice Presiding Minister Bro. Daniel Razon.
Bro. Eli Soriano is happy and thankful to God at seeing the continuous growth of the Congregation despite political and religious discrimination and persecution. Katulong ng Pangangasiwa (KNPs) overseas report that as far as Gospel work is concerned, the Foreign Ministry has already reached six continents and several island nations.
Bible studies and expositions remained in-demand over the last four years. Television and Internet viewership have dramatically increased in India, the Americas, and Europe. Ministers are sent round-the-clock to officiate baptism, wherein immersions yield an average 200 individuals weekly.
This first quarter thanksgiving this 2010 also kicked-off the new year in the Hebrew calendar’s reckoning, which is year 5770. The Church celebrates the Hebrew new year as it is the “one observed by the Israelites at the time of the Exodus, and the early Christians, because it is biblical”, Bro. Soriano asserts in one of his discussions.
Meanwhile, barely three minutes before the MCGI congregation knelt to pray on its second day of thanksgiving, Indonesia felt a 7.0 magnitude earthquake, Sunday, March 14. Although it did not trigger a tsunami, reports say that the earthquake is just one of the series of tremors that have disturbed the country in weeks.
It can be remembered that on December 26, 2004, Indonesia was hit by an earthquake-induced tsunami which claimed an estimated 225,000 lives, left 500,000 homeless, destroyed properties, houses, and impailed businesses set at the coasts of the archipelago. The strong quake also left considerable damage to India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. That same day, MCGI held its final quarter thanksgiving through songs and dances to honor and praise of the God of Israel.
Until today, the Congregation considers it as God’s salvation that the Philippines was spared from the what-might-have-been effects of the tsunami that struck the region, since the giant waves that came crashing to the Indonesian shores was caused by a 9.0 magnitude quake, based on the Richter scale, and stronger by 2 levels than the one that shook Haiti. The tremor was strong enough to send destructive columns of water to the dotted Philippine archipelago, but it did not.
The Philippines, like Indonesia, lies directly above the Pacific Ring of Fire which is the most active seismic and volcanic region in the world. Several tectonic plates and trenches are found in the Ring, and the most active volcanoes and destructive earthquakes occur in the countries situated in it. It is quite surprising that though the Philippines is also frequented by earthquakes in recent weeks, the tremors were considerably faint.
As of this writing, no MCGI congregant based in Thailand has been reported to have suffered the effects of the political crisis there. Although supporters of Shinawatra insist on coming to cry their protest against the government, the thanksgiving celebration there ended peacefully and uninterrupted, just like in other monitoring centers elsewhere.
(Written by: Cecile Vizcaya)
(Photo by: Rovic Balunsay)

Bro. Eli Doles Out Free Vitamins, Medicines for MCGI Congregation

As part of his commitment to public service and to looking after the well-being of the Members Church of God International, Bro. Eli Soriano recently dispensed 1,000 boxes of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and medicines for free, especially to low-income members in the Philippines.
The distribution commenced during the Church’s celebration of its second Quarterly International Thanksgiving this year, the last week of June.
Some 1,000 boxes of Vitamin C were dispensed for free at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga during the last week of June.
Some 1,000 boxes of Vitamin C were dispensed for free at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga during the last week of June.
The presiding minister to MCGI noted in his sermon that the resident doctor at the ADD Polyclinic and Pharmacy in Apalit, Pampanga had requested him for all sorts of “anti’s”: antibiotics, antivirals, and the like in preparation for the three-day event.
The bulk of ascorbic acid, however, is Bro. Eli’s additional gift, after having tried Vitamin C therapy. The polyclinic and pharmacy render services and give medicines to brethren and visitors alike for free.
Low-income congregants with heart problems were prioritized during the distribution of the Vitamin C.
Members line up at the ADD Polyclinic in Apalit, Pampanga for free Vitamin C.
Bro. Eli, who in his younger years was plagued by asthma and rheumatic heart disease, asserts that Vitamin C is indeed very beneficial. Prior to endorsing the said supplement, Bro. Eli had experienced Vitamin C therapy himself.
He couples his intake with a sulfur-rich organic diet, consisting of green vegetables and bulbous roots like onions and garlic. The regimen had improved his condition, as his personal physician-dietician attested.
“I encourage all to try alternative and preventive approaches in maintaining health,” Bro. Eli said. “This is also to spare ourselves of expensive and traditional treatments we are accustomed to. Let us go for more natural ways to stay healthy.”
Shown here is a long queue of congregants to get their free supply of Vitamin C.
The ADD Polyclinic at Apalit, Pampanga is a free institution that caters to members and non-members alike.
Bro. Eli also discussed his readings of researches of scientists and experts from reputable associations about Vitamin C. Further, member doctors, dieticians, pharmacists, and chemists gave their opinion on the matter.
The discussion, Bro. Eli said, is a healthy and relevant thing, “something that allows us to know more so that we know how to serve God better and not with sickly bodies.”
Members who are experiencing heart ailments, blood pressure fluctuations, and other Vitamin C deficiency-related diseases are first to be served.
The distribution of the 1,000 boxes of Vitamin C is not the first such medical assistance rendered to the congregants by Bro. Eli Soriano. He has been rendering, together with Bro. Daniel Razon, public charity works every Saturday at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.
The distribution of the 1,000 boxes of Vitamin C is not the first such medical assistance rendered to the congregants by Bro. Eli Soriano. He has been rendering, together with Bro. Daniel Razon, public charity works every Saturday at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga.
This is not the first time that Bro. Eli is giving out medical assistance, supplements, and medicines. Back in the Philippines, he led many initiatives to ensure the health and well-being of the Congregation and his fellow Filipinos.
Witnesses and beneficiaries attest to Bro. Eli’s concern, especially for children, whenever epidemics and diseases take a toll on the health of many. He supervises the administration of vaccines and distribution of medicines in the places he visits.
The efforts eventually led to more massive health campaigns and medical missions in the depressed areas in the country capital to the provincial and remotest regions. Together with Bro. Daniel Razon, his Vice Presiding Minister, their small start-off turned to a thriving charity work, inspiring similar actions here and abroad.
Even during regular Thanksgiving services, volunteer medical practitioners provide medical help and assistance to members who visit the ADD Infirmary.
Even during regular Thanksgiving services, volunteer medical practitioners provide medical help and assistance to members who visit the ADD Infirmary.
Bro. Eli and Bro Daniel also introduced a mobile clinic complete with basic medical facilities, currently serving those who have to travel several kilometers to reach the nearest hospital.
The move is also of good timing since the Philippines is continuously battered by storms and other weather disturbances providing the attendant conditions for the rise of communicable diseases.
(Written by: Cecile Vizcaya)

Praise songs end 2009

Praise songs end 2009

A Song of Praise Interpreters singing on the stage
Pampanga, Philippines – There is a safer, better, and more meaningful way to close the year.
The year-end biannual A Song of Praise Music Festival echoed December 29 at the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga, two days after the last quarter thanksgiving of MCGI.
“For Your Delight” composed by Bro. Rigor Jay Arellano of Pampanga Central Division was selected Song of the Year. His composition earned praise at the on-the-spot critiquing of Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon. Last June, his piece “No Words and Notes” was first runner-up, while the grand prize went to Sis. Liezl Capulong who represented North America, with the song “Awit ng Pag-asa” (Song of Hope).
Sis. Robie Rose Demelletes bagged the Best Interpreter citation for her outstanding rendition of National Capital Region’s “Walang Makapaghihiwalay” (Nothing Can Separate).
Bro. Alfonso Malasaga of Agusan del Norte received a special citation for his lively reggae composition “Buhay Ko’y Nabago” (My Life’s Been Changed), which perked the audience to dance. Bro. Eli Soriano remarked, “Napasaya mo kami, kapatid.” (You made us happy, brother.) Before the program’s finale, the audience insisted an encore of his song. Vice Presiding Minister Bro. Daniel Razon eased himself to dance to his unique beat.
Ten finalists from various regions have reached the final leg of the festival after all songs have been pre-selected in their respective localities. These local and foreign entries were from Pampanga (Gaano Pa Kung Ikaw-How Much With You) which ranked third, Bicol (Dakila Ka O Ama-You Are Great Oh Father) which placed second, Negros (Forever We Praise You Father), Panay (My Song of Gratitude), Butuan (Dakila Ka-You Are Great), Chicago-USA (Hiwaga sa Pasalamat-Mystery in Thanksgiving), and Singapore (Dakila ang Pag-ibig Mo-Your Love is Great), which both tied at the first place. The non-winning finalists received consolation prizes for their contribution to the musical contest.
Bro. Eli Soriano emphasized his challenge to the Congregation to produce more beautiful and meaningful songs. To this, Bro. Daniel Razon added memoirs of his first try in composing as something he did not expect because he is not really a composer. In his frequent contacts with the Music Ministry Core, they often asked him to compose songs for the Church. He often replied, “Pray unto the Lord that He satisfies your heart’s desire. Ask Him to give you a song.” Surprisingly, according to him, it did not cost a day to finish one. Bro. Daniel was surprised to finish song after song. All the pieces that he composed are now being used by the MCGI Congregation in offering praises.
Both encouraged the brethren to continue supporting the goal of making more and better songs for God’s glory. They hope that the next festival will feature more and finer songs than their precedents.
The ASOP Music Festival has been producing songs for five years. The next musical mid-year celebration comes July 2010.
(Written by: Cecile Vizcaya)

MCGI’s Seven-Session Mass Indoctrination Set on February 8 February 2, 2010

PAMPANGA, Philippines – A seven-session Mass Indoctrination will be held by the Ang Dating Daan (The Old Path) program host, Bro. Eliseo Soriano come February 8, 2010 (PHT) at all Members Church of God International coordinating centers in the Philippines.

As the Lord Jesus Christ commanded in Matthew 28:19-20, MCGI Leaders teach first His doctrines before people can be baptized and be members of the Church.

“Our Bible Expositions in different parts of our country [the Philippines] and in different parts of the world are what necessitated us to also hold Mass Indoctrinations,” said the MCGI Presiding Minister in his video invitation on Youtube.

He stressed that mass indoctrinations are really intended for those who attend Bible Expositions and listen to the preacher’s TV, radio and Internet programs. He added that these people “ask us how they can be members of this organization, the Church of God International.”

  The completion of indoctrination sessions is required before a person receives baptism and becomes a member of the Church.
“This happens when you have received the doctrines that the Lord Jesus Christ teaches in its entirety. So this mass indoctrination is the instruction of the entire doctrines of the Lord Jesus, the commandments that must be fulfilled for a person to be a true Christian,” the award-winning television host further said in the video message.
“I hope that you will give time and accept our invitation, our fellowmen, and may God bless you.”
Bible Expositions are held at least semiweekly worldwide via the Internet at MCGI chapters and vast venues like the Araneta Coliseum in the Philippines and in hotels.
It is in these events where people get to ask Bro. Eli on faith and spirituality live, while he reads to them the answers straight from passages of the Holy Scriptures. Hence, the program’s slogan, “Ask Bro. Eli, the Bible Will Answer”.
For information on an MCGI chapter near you or for any question regarding the upcoming nationwide Mass Indoctrination and more, please visit the Reach Us section of this site.
(Writte by: Jay Arellano)

MCGI Breaks Blood-Donation Record in Half Time June 18, 2011

Manila, Philippines — Two days before Blood Donors’ Day this year, Members Church of God International (MCGI) donated 2,601 blood bags to the Philippine National Red Cross, just 52 units short of its 2009 record where the latter awarded the organization for its outstanding contribution.
The World Health Organization and partners anually hold the World Blood Donors’ Day every June 14th. This blood donating campaign is aimed at raising awareness of the need for safe blood and to give thanks to voluntary unpaid blood donors for their gifts of blood.

As donating blood requires a three-month period in between donations, this year, MCGI goes full-throttle by making its blood drive quarterly.
Fifty-four MCGI chapters nationwide opened its doors for the undertaking with one holding its blood donation drive on June 9; in total, MCGI has given 2,637 units of blood this year. This is the second time that MCGI has held a mass bloodletting event across the country for 2011. Their initial effort on March 13 produced 1,900 units, that is approximately 1,186 liters of blood.

Fifty-four MCGI chapters nationwide opened its doors for the undertaking with one holding its blood donation event on June 9; in total, MCGI has given 2,637 units of blood this year.
While science and technology struggle to find a substitute for human blood, the need for it is increasing and urgent. In fact, dengue and other blood-related cases that need transfusion of blood have alarmingly increased this year, according to a report published on the Philippine Red Cross website.

The event is made possible with the help of the Philippine National Red Cross, its volunteers, and the Kamanggagawa Foundation Inc.
As donating blood requires a three-month period in between donations, this year, MCGI goes full-throttle by making its blood drive quarterly.
This public service of MCGI started more than a decade ago, when its presiding ministers Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon formed the Blood Donors’ Society: the group that campaigns blood-donation within the Church. Since then, MCGI has proven to be a committed partner of the Philippine Red Cross in providing reliable blood to the masses.

MCGI’s next nationwide mass blood drive is expected in September.
The event is made possible with the help of the Philippine National Red Cross, its volunteers, and the Kamanggagawa Foundation Inc. MCGI’s next nationwide mass blood drive is expected in September.
(Written by: Jay Arellano)

Worldwide Synchronized Prayers for MCGI Starts

To aid to members across six continents, MCGI uses Internet and satellite technology to bring different Church services like studying biblical topics and conducting synchronized prayer.
Beginning March 6 this year, at 10 p.m. (Philippine time), the whole congregation of the Members Church of God International will begin a worldwide synchronized prayer time with a live feed emanating from Pampanga, Philippines.
Members of the Church of God are found in all six continents.
Worship centers nationwide and overseas will participate in the ceremony through satellite or by accessing the link that the MCGI Broadcast Department provides.
Through the worldwide community prayer, Bro. Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon encourage all to live a prayerful life. “Prayer is our weapon against the evils in this world,” said Bro. Eli.
Prayer is a basic doctrine in the Members Church of God International. All Church gatherings, either spiritual or socio-civic, begin and end with prayers.
The doctrine on prayer may be heard and learned in the two-week indoctrination process. Today, a new set of indoctrination sessions starts in all Ang Dating Daan or MCGI coordinating centers nationwide; sessions begin at seven in the evening.
For more information on prayer and indoctrination, visit MCGI.org’s Q and A section for visitors.
(Written by: Cecile Vizcaya)

MCGI Announces Third Quarter Thanksgiving Schedules August 11, 2010

The Members Church of God International (MCGI) will hold its third quarter International Thanksgiving this year on September 3 to 5, 2010, with the ADD Convention Center in Apalit, Pampanga as its main base.
Bro. Eli Soriano, the Presiding Minister of MCGI, recently announced the dates for the three-day International Thanksgiving, in response to inquiries of members from chapters worldwide.
It has been customary for the congregants to ask for the next thanksgiving calendar right after the previous grand assembly. This way, members can right away allow themselves full physical and spiritual preparation before the upcoming event.

Among the most-anticipated part of the International Thanskgiving is Bro. Eli Soriano’s deep discussion of topics about the mysteries and wisdom of the Bible. For years this segment has not only awed the members, but has also enlightened and captured the interest of visitors. Some visitors are eventually led to a more in-depth study of the Scriptures and become members.
MCGI considers the International Thanksgiving as an opportunity to see their fellow brethren from distant regions, continue doing good works, offer thanksgiving, and reflect on the new and interesting topics prepared by Bro. Eli Soriano.
Every Saturday, Philippine time, the Church conducts regular thanksgiving services. This practice had been the trademark of the organization, and by far, is the only religious group which frequently offers thanksgiving to God.
(Written by: Cecile Vizcaya)


    The entry before this was written last September. I wanted to post as many entry as I can so I will browse the net for articles as far back as I can get. The more the merrier.